
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cinnamon Sugar Donut Muffins

As I outlined in this post, I have been away for too long and am extremely sorry about it. Back to the deliciousness! Ahem. My baby sister left for college today. She's truly truly amazing and beginning her sophmore year. School for her is about 2 hours from me so, way less hang out time during the school year as opposed to the breaks which is always hard to handle. Luckily, 2 hours is a great weekend road trip and breaks are frequent and fun.

In any case, I had grand intentions to make her these muffins in time but I didn't make the deadline what with the other happenings. They are a favorite of hers and she is a favorite of mine so, looks like I will be making a care package! 

I previously posted this recipe here, but that was for green beer day which means I dyed the muffins themselves green. Here you can see them in their true form, a nice white crumb, a thick cinnamon sugar crunch on the outside.