
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Butter Tarts: A Canadian Treat

My boyfriend is a proud Canadian and I spent a nice two weeks with him and his family up in Canada this past summer. While the trip was composed of too many beautiful, amazing, and fun moments to share here, one afternoon was simply spent on the pier of their lake, lazing around the boat and eating butter tarts on the sun porch.

These little guys are little pieces of heaven. So SO good. 

I would almost describe them as a pecan pie but...not. And really, they are just so much better.

So when I found this AMAZING recipe posted by Kevin on his blog, Closet Cooking. I couldn't resist making it ASAP.

One bite in and I was all happy "mmms" and "ahhs". You need to make these. Need. It's my new favorite recipe. Go canada!

Closet Cooking's Butter Tarts
-1 pie crust pastry 
-1 egg
-1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)
-1/2 cup maple syrup
-1/4 cup unsalted butter (melted)
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-1/4 teaspoon salt
-1/2 cup walnuts (chopped)
-1/2 cup raisins

Cut/roll the dough into a dozen 4-5 inch circles. Press the circles of dough into a muffin baking pan. Chill the muffin pan in the fridge for 45-60 minutes. In his recipe, he never mentions it but, I am assuming you use the single egg to brush the cups once they are set.  Mix the brown sugar, maple syrup, butter,vanilla extract, salt, walnuts and raisins in a bowl. Spoon the mixture into the tarts. Bake in a preheated 350F oven and bake until set, about 15-25 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't butter tarts just amazing!? I haven't made any in a while, but I think it's time!
