
Sunday, February 27, 2011

No Cupcake Pan? Make Carrot Cake Cookies!

These cookies are simple, delicious, and, as far as I can tell, extremely well received. The recipe is from my Aunt and, while the icing and cute little carrots are optional, I always encourage to go for the extra flourish because! Details are where things pay off. And, while the recipe calls for a boxed cake and you can use canned icing, if you want to get fancier, you should try making your own cream cheese icing.

Carrot Cake Cookies
-1 Box Carrot Cake Mix
-1 Egg
-1/2 Cup Oil
-1/2 Cup Walnuts (Chopped)
-1 Can Cream Cheese Icing

Mix all ingredients, (excluding the icing can). Roll dough into spoonful sized balls, bake on cookie sheet at 350 for 8 to 10 minutes. Let cool completely, and ice. To ice with ease, scoop icing into small ziploc baggie and cut a small incision into the corner of the bag. Sometimes, I pipe on just a simple white swirl. But most otherwise, like as pictured, I tend to ice the cookies with the good old fashioned smear method and then pipe on with ziplocs some of the frosting dyed and placed into baggies. Either way and any way you decide to go, try to avoid putting on too much icing. Don't want to over-sweeten the delicious taste of carrot cake.

In other options with this recipe, you can make German Chocolate Cake cookies by just making the recipe with German Cake Mix and Coconut Pecan Icing. Or Funfetti Cookies with Funfetti Mix and Vanilla Icing. I like to use this recipe essentially for cupcakes when I don't feel like cleaning a cupcake pan. Delicious, cute and small. Plus, super easy for us clutzies! Woohoo :)


  1. This is a really great idea! Do they get crunchy or are they soft like muffin tops?

  2. they get like...a chocolate chip cookie. soft center, crisp golden outside, bends some before you can break it in half, but not raw dough consistency. like a nice cookie should be :)

  3. OMGosh! Those are TOO CUTE! I love it! I'm a new follower! Thanks for visiting my page. Hope to have you as a follower too!

    :)rachel from

  4. Oh my goodness, this is too cute. I wish I had your piping skills!

  5. these look exceptionally yummy...those little carrots are adorable.

  6. I KNOW I would love these! They all look so good, and so perfectly round and uniform. Love the carrot too:)

  7. These look amazing! What a great idea.

  8. I love these! They look so cute and delicious!

  9. Looks yummy:) Thanks for your love for my pizza recipe! You are welcome to share it with your fans!

  10. The carrots piped on these cookies are so adorable! Definitely a nice twist on a carrot cake :)

  11. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! These look DELICIOUS!! Love carrots cake -- sure I'd love it made into cookies just as much!

  12. Oh man, what a great idea. I love carrot cake, but sometimes a cookie is just easier to make and eat!

  13. so cute! i love cookies more than cupcakes, so this works out perfectly for me! yum!

  14. These were very tasty and puffy whoopie cookies! My kids loved it.
