
Monday, March 29, 2010

Tropical Summer Cake

This cake is a forkful of summer.

Like my Brat recipe, when I decided to make this cake, I was exploding with blue skies and summer joy and couldn't wait for something light and flavorful to eat on my patio.

With all the flavor of summer citrus, this cake surpassed my expectations.

I made this for my friends as well and it was met with SPECTACULAR reviews. For any pineapple lover, this cake will complete your life.

Tropical Summer Cake

1 Yellow cake mix: 4 eggs, 1 ¼ cup oil, 1 small can mandarin oranges (with juice) Blend well. Bake at 350 for 25-30

Cool entirely (I'd recommend you put it in the fridge for an hour), and then put on topping.

Topping: 8 oz cool whip, 1 small box vanilla instant pudding, 1 15oz can of crushed pineapple (with the juice)

Once you've added the topping, serve as you like! It keeps for a good chunk of time in the fridge so, feel free to savor :)


  1. This does sound good. I'm glad you sent me the link because I think my mom would especially like it.
    I wanted to say thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog. : ) I hope you keep coming back!

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