
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Attack Worthy Apple Sauce

This recipe is refreshing and crisp and... easy as pie.

As a lot of my earlier recipes tended to be, this is such a cinch, it's barely even a recipe.

My mom used to make this for us kids and we'd all jump down the table to eat it. All of us prefer our applesauce cold but, we'd be eating it straight out of the bowl from the microwave (remember? clutz friendly, and clutzy people use the microwave). It's first come first serve in a bigger family and if you didn't attack, you missed out on the sugary portion of dinner.

How apples with cinnamon and sugar ever made the cut of a dinner dish, I will never know. But I am oh so thankful!!

Apple Sauce
-6 cups apples (sliced, peeled, and cored)
-1/2 cup sugar
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-2 cinnamon sticks

In microwave safe bowl, combine apples and cinnamon sticks. Cover with plastic wrap, cook on full power for 8-11 minutes or until the apples are tender. Stir halfway through. Remove the cinnamon sticks, stir in sugar, and add cinnamon. 

Serve hot or put in the fridge and serve cold. I already said which I prefer but, make your own decisions :)

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