
Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter Egg Salad: AKA How to Boil Eggs

Honestly, egg salad is by far one of my all time favorite sandwiches. However, I only trust it from my own kitchen or my family's kitchen. For the most part, the egg salad I've come across in other places has things in it that ruin the purity of my egg salad. Things like pickles. There are nice things that other places add. Such as celery. But when people start getting heavy hands with relish or pickles, which seems to tend to happen with egg salad, I find myself with egg salad that is far from my favorite sandwich and rather inedible.

Plus, other places will make it on white bread which gets all soggy and gross. That's just sad. Egg salad needs moral-toast support. It should be a law. Mine consists of simple wheat toast, some spinach (which I always use instead of lettuce if I can because it has more vitamins going for it) and then the egg salad which is just a BIT of mayo (always careful not to drown the egg), salt, pepper, and CELERY salt. The celery salt is always a perfect, seamlessly interesting, touch that doesn't do anything but compliment the egg. Yummm.

So, anyway. Easter rolled around earlier this month and sadly, I was at school, not at home, and missed out on the fun egg boil and dye and hunt processes. Missing out on the fun never sits well with me so! I decided to boil my own eggs and dye them. It was far after Easter but, I've never been particular about things like that.

Sadly, I have never in my life boiled eggs. I have assisted with the process. But I didn't know the process itself, on my own. I had to look it up, phone a friend, and try but! Below you'll find the way to hard boil yourself some eggs. 

And remember: Egg salad just needs a touch of mayo, salt, and pepper. Served on toast, it's pure and perfect. Leave the pickles.

Hard Boiled Eggs

Place the eggs in a pot. Cover with cold water and then fill another inch or so. Add a nice pinch of salt. Cover and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat, leave on the cover, and let it sit for 7-10 minutes. When done, move to the sink, and run cold water into pan on them until they are completely cooled down. You can just allow the hot water to be replaced by cold and then allow to sit for five minutes or so. Long enough for them to cool down and stop the cooking. 

Eggs turn grey/green on the outside of the yolk when they are overcooked. And they are mushy yellow when undercooked. If yours are perfect, adjust your timing accordingly :)

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