
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Super Classy Spicy Baked Shrimp

Shrimp is perhaps one of my all time favorite foods. I love all shellfish but, shrimp being the most common and perhaps versatile of the shellfish makes it a classic love of mine.

And this is my favorite classic preparation. 

This is yet another family recipe, made by my mother and father for many a gathering, dinner, or lazy afternoon. The shrimp are cooked perfectly, seasoned to pure deliciousiosity, and when you have thin sliced french baguette served with the shrimp, it's over the top seafood sin.

Take a piece of bread, dip it in the pan's spicy sauce, spoon out a shrimp, pile it on top, and take a bite. Just prepare for a kick and a lot of smiles. I made it for my boyfriend and his family and am pretty sure it's what gained everyone's approval of me.

The left over sauce is amazing on its own just eaten off the bread. Long after the shrimp are gone, my family will be dipping the bread into the spicy oil and "mmm"-ing to our hearts delight. 

If you like shrimp, you'll love this easy recipe. Have I ever steered you wrong? No. So eat, and enjoy :)

Spicy Baked Shrimp
-1/2 cup olive oil
-2 tablespoons cajun/creole seasoning
-2 tablespoons lemon juice
-2 tablespoons parsley
-2 tablespoons honey
-1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon soy sauce
-1 pound uncooked, cleaned/deveined, shrimp

In a glass 13 by 9, combine all but the shrimp. mix around with a fork until bottom of pan coated and mixture is blended. Add shrimp, turn  in pan some to coat, and marinade in fridge for one hour.

Bake at 450 for 10 minutes. Serve with fresh sliced bread!


  1. The shrimp look perfectly cooked and sound spicy and delicious - yum!

  2. Meaghan this looks fantastic! I love shrimp and bread together.

