
Sunday, May 23, 2010


i feel like the worst blogger ever. i was pretty religious about this, trying to get 11 posts a month and things were solid. organized, well documented, fun activity.

and then, college began to wrap up. and i find myself in this turmoil of finals, goodbyes, graduation gowns, and huge huge huge transitions.

i flew through every spectrum of emotions and it was less then a month. i've moved, i've shifted, i've grown. i'm honestly lost in a sea of "what now" and "where".

lots of prayer for direction. for finding myself again. and then among other things that have turned me upside down and inside out, my long time and long distance boyfriend and i fizzled out for good.

transitions transitions transitions.

i'm sure these things are all good for me. i'm raw and need to be rebuilt right now and i know with me heart and soul that God's got a great plan for the woman i'll grow to be.

in the meantime, i made a pie this morning and it has been the first time i've floured my hands in awhile. the love of cooking this blog had started to allow to flourish flew back full force and i knew i had to come back to the commitment i had made to myself as a food blogger and enthusiast.

so, even though my absence may not have been noted by any, perhaps my return will be welcomed. i look forward to this journey as well as the broader ones i find myself on right now. should be, if nothing else, delicious :)

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