
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


However your Valentine’s Day may have been, I hope at least a large portion of them were sweet. I don’t have an amazingly great career of Valentine’s Days. As a kid, my family and I tended to accidentally make my mom cry every Valentine’s by inadvertently ruining her dinner in some (or several) ways. As an adult, it’s a day that always has hype or some aspect that it can’t quite match. I have had some rather perfect Valentine’s days in my past, some rather flat ones as well. Thankfully, no huge disasters. This year was exceptionally fun as we had a “therapy of smashing hearts” party with a heart piñata that was destroyed. Let all the frustrations of the holiday’s commercialism out while being with people we loved and then copious amounts of celebrating what love and friendship should mean. What it would always mean to be loved without Hallmark brainwashing us with the hearts and frills.

My favorite part of this entire holiday is sending out/receiving Valentines from loved ones. Ever since I was little, I always thought it was great. Remember when you’re a kid and you make your own mailbox and swap with your whole class? Very sweet memories for me. Fun times making and buying cheesey Valentines and building them with my siblings and my mom in our kitchen. I still make Valentines for my friends every year and try and send them out. This year, I found some pretty great ones at Target and sent them out to some of my awesome loved ones. Pretty late, I don’t think a single person got them before the day itself, but better late then never! While the various Target cards were cool, I couldn’t help thinking as I browsed the paper collections that Valentine’s could be made so much cooler.

Here would be some of my products if I was in the Valentine business. (Best. Business. Ever.)

And for all of you single folk who celebrated the love of your friends instead of in a significant other:

Happy Belated Valentines :) 

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