
Monday, March 21, 2011

Breakfast Pie

Lingering love from "pie day" has inspired me to post what is my all time favorite breakfast dish- breakfast pie.

This recipe is intensive. My mom and dad make it for us kids every year for Christmas morning, making the pie the day before, and every year on Christmas eve as they prepare the pie, there is some grumbling about how much effort goes into one pie dish.

However, once the morning comes and everyone takes a bite of said pie, everyone wonders why we don't make it more then once a year.

It is SO GOOD. I cannot begin to tell you how worth it this pie is to make. It's cheesy, potato, meats, eggs, all in a flaky shell with roasted garlic and carmelized onions.

...I mean... really.

Doesn't that just SOUND good? 

My Mom elegantly adding an egg layer. She is NOT clumsy in the kitchen and makes everything look beautiful...

I could keep repeating myself on the glories of this pie but, you should probably stop reading and start making it yourself. As I said, it takes some time. And you're going to want to have a slice as soon as possible :)

Breakfast Pie
- 17 1/4 oz pkg (2 sheets) frozen, pre-rolled sheets puff pastry (thawed)

-1/4 c butter
-3 c (6 med) sliced red potatoes
-1 c (1 med) sliced onion, separated into rings
-1/4 tsp salt
-1/4 tsp pepper

-OMELETS (make 2)
-2 tbsp butter
-6 eggs
-1 tbls parsley
-1/8 tsp salt
-1/8 tsp pepper
-2 tbsp water

-1/2 lb thinly sliced, cooked, ham (deli works)
-2 c (8oz) shredded cheddar cheese

*NEXT DAY* Brush with-
-1 egg slightly beaten
-1 tbsp water

Layer in the following order:
1 omelet, 1/4 lb ham, 1/2 of the fried potatoes, 1 cup shredded cheese, remaining potatoes, remaining ham, 2nd omelet. Top with remaining puff pastry. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Next morning, heat over to 375. Take pie out, allow to adjust to room temp for 30 mins prior to baking, brushing with egg/water. Bake for 30-35 mins or until golden and cooked through. Let stand for 5 mins before serving.

*If you are too anxious and make it that morning, you may simply put it in the oven without allowing it to set up over night or adjust back to room temperature. However, allowing the flavors to set up overnight is an even more amazing pie so, if you CAN be patient, it's well worth the wait!*


  1. Meaghan, it sounds fantastic and is certainly a consideration for Easter Sunday morning. This is my first visit to your blog so I've spent some time browsing through your earlier entries. I really like the food and recipes you feature here and I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. I'm impressed, this looks and sounds really wonderful. Definitely my kind of breakfast!!

  3. Wow that sounds amaaazing! I love breakfast and usually I make quiches, but I think you're on to something here. I'll have to give this one a try!

  4. looks absolutely perfect. i may try to make this for my family next time i'm home. it would make a great dinner as well with a mixed green salad.

  5. I am far too lazy to make this myself, but I admire your effort. I'm now a follower of yours. Return the favor if you care to.

  6. Meaghan, you are a genius! This is delicious, good looking and just whimsical enough to be downright charming. Can you tell I like it? lol


  7. Greetings from California

    I hope you have a blessed week :-)

  8. I love this! It's such a neat idea!

  9. Will be trying this soon... perhaps for Easter! Thanks for sharing! Blessings, ~Lisa

  10. Wow this looks amazingly delicious!!! Can't wait to try it!

  11. Wow! That looks incredibly delicious and labor intensive.

    I just Pinned it on Pintrest so I can make it for Christmas. Thanks for the recipe.

  12. I *just* stumbled onto this and completely fell in love. I also may or may not have licked the computer screen.

    It did not taste good. Dear Breakfast Pie, please get in my belly.
