
Monday, April 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Treats- Figgy/Peary/Cheesy Goodness

What the hedge has happened to my blog as of late? All these complicated recipes keep cropping up on me, I have no idea how this has happened! 

Here we revert back to simple things. I suppose this blog has increased my cooking learning curve and now simple is different than it was a year ago... however, for the sake of my sanity with  all these daunting recipes looming, we are taking a step back to get our feet on the ground before I lose touch and accidentally kill myself in the kitchen.

Trust me when I say I am still a catastrophe when I cook, even if the results are beautiful :)

This appetizer was served at Thanksgiving last year and, since then, I haven't been able to get it out of my head. 

It is so delicious. And so easy. And again, so delicious.

I am a big fan of the combination of fruit and cheese. Some people find the combination less then tempting but, whenever I find the two together, I cannot resist whatever delicacy is being offered. 

This dish is from another Giada's Italian Kitchen book and my mom was kind enough to share the recipe with me when asked. Although, it's so straightforward, I probably could have pieced it together myself.

Figs, apples, and cheese. Sweet, savory, tart and on crunchy bread.

You need to try this.

Trust me.

Pecorino Romano with Apples and Fig Jam
-24 baguette slices
-1/4 cup grated pecorino romano cheese
-24 thin slices pecorino romano cheese
-1 large apple
-1 jar fig jam
-Olive oil for drizzling

Preheat oven to 375.
Place the slices on a heavy baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with the cheese, bake until the bread is toasted and the cheese is melted and golden. About 7 mins.
Slice the apple into 24, manageable pieces.
Smear each slice of toasted bread with fig jam, top with apple slice, and then cheese slice.

Serve on a pretty plate and freak out with how easy and delicious :)


  1. Hi meaghan, thanks for stopping by the queen of puddings and your lovely comments.The raspberry almond pudding cake is very yummy. my latest total obsession is my instant donuts - have been craving them since I first made them. Love you blog, lots to explore!

  2. Hi meaghan - these sound great - I love cheese and fruit together. Thanks for your comment on my chic banana loaf!

  3. This really sounds fantastic. I, too, really love the fruit and cheese combination, especially if the cheese has some bite. I'm relatively new to your site and don't often comment. I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy you blog. You've created a lovely spot for your readers to visit. I keep coming back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. I love the slightly salty and nutty cheese paired with the fruit. I agree, simpler tastes and ingredients are usually the most tasty. Love this recipe!

  5. i love jam and cheese, i made a very similar version of this as an appetizer last time my parents came for dinner. it was a huge hit!

  6. Wow ! What a great idea. I bet the sweetness of the fruit with the sharpness of the cheese would work really well!

  7. Those do sound pretty amazing! Cheese goes so well with apples for some reason. Maybe it's the sweet crispy with the salty creamy? I'm still trying to figure it out. Regardless, this looks fantastic :)

  8. mmm I love that combo!! might have to add to the grocery list and have some appetizers for me and the husband just for fun :)

  9. I love the flavor combo! Delectable!

  10. I am hungry, at work, and you are not helping the situation!

  11. Non me sembra che sei una catastrofe in cucina,anzi, me sembra molto brava, e questa ricetta...mamma mia... buonissima!!
