
Monday, May 16, 2011

Blue Milk Cocktail

These are the adult version of Blue Milk. Which, all you hardcore geeks, know is the beverage of choice in the films. Or at least, a beverage in one of the films.

I made these geeky drink stirrers. They are just plastic drink stirrers around the ends of which I wrapped some tin foil. I then took a Sharpie and added some buttons and engravings. 

The drink itself was thrown together by Mark himself. It's just a White Russian with a few drops of blue food dye. Here's the recipe for an average one I found on-line. 
2 oz vodka 
1 oz coffee liqueur
dash cream 

Add a few drops blue dye and, tada! You're a nerd.

1 comment:

  1. If you can find neon blue dye (usually for Easter egg coloring) it's an almost exact blue (plus a drop or two of the neon green in there). Not that I extensively tested this last night or anything...
