
Monday, May 2, 2011

Grilled Banana Boats

It all started with a simple grilled banana recipe.

This grilled banana recipe. 

I came upon the page and then needed to make my own.

I had also just received the game "banana grams" and felt a super photo shoot coming on. Or at least, a super fun idea for a photo shoot.

My bananas are stuffed with chocolate covered marshmallows, which was spectacular if I do say so myself. You can fill them with anything, when it comes to melty, grilled, banana, most anything sweet is a fantastic compliment. 

You should make these ASAP. If you are like me and you don't necessarily have a grill on hand, an oven at 350 will make everything properly melted as well after about 6 mins. 

Enjoy :)

Banana Boats
Bananas (As many as you need. Estimate 1 per person. Once they taste it, no one will want to share.)
Chocolate chips, butterscotch, peanut butter chips, sweetened coconut (Or whatever other toppings you fancy. Pictured are chocolate covered marshmallows which was divine.)

1. Choose your bananas. I personally like mine ripened until perfectly spotted. I think they are sweeter this way.

2. Slit the banana lengthwise.
3. Stuff them with any combination of toppings you desire. I am a big fan of chocolate and marshmallows, as you can see, but I also love coconut or peanut butter or butterscotch. Anything sweet with banana :)
4. Line your grill with foil, and place the nanas on top.
5. Grill with the cover on until toppings get melty and delicious.
6. Eat with a spoon.


  1. what a cute and delicious looking idea!

  2. Oh yum! I happen to have a few slightly overripe bananas on my counter that I know my husband won't eat as is. This looks like a perfect use for them.
