
Friday, August 19, 2011

B.L.T. Dip: Worth Killing For

So. This is pretty much the best dip ever. 


My roommate, Em, is in love with this dip. Spread on rye toast, wheat thins, triscuts, and bagels.... it's addicting. I even made it into chicken salad by using tablespoons of this dip instead of mayo. And look how pretty it looks.

See! Look how pretty! 

And it tasted EVEN BETTER!


So, pretty much you must make this dip. Because it is delicious. Pure pure delicious.

Go now, my loves. It WILL change your life.

B.L.T. Dip
-1 cup mayo
-1 cup sour cream
-1 cup (cooked) bacon, diced
-2 ripe tomatoes, diced

Combine all ingredients, chill for an hour. Serve with crackers. 


  1. I don't think I would be able to get this away from my husband. Excellent dip. ;)
