
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Science Of Cooking Giveaway! HURRY!

Hello again! This is just a reminder that I am giving away a REALLY cool book about the science of cooking and you have until 12 PM (EST) to enter before I pick the winner and post later this evening. To recap for those of you just joining in on the fun: 

For some reasonJoy Bauer (for those of you who don't know, that's the nutritionist from The Today Show!) and her people think I am a responsible/interesting blogger because they offered me a chance to promote her new cookbook on my page! Specifically Joy's book Food Cures which I could give a copy away to my readers after a review. 

My readers being you guys. 

So get excited! I am pretty much excited FOR you! This book is INSANELY cool- it has all kinds of recipes to create a flexible diet to any stomach/health issues (lactose, gluten free, etc) as well as an index of foods to help with certain nutrional balances, stomach/health symptoms, and descriptions of the overall science behind food working within your body.

A serious hat's off to Joy and her team for doing all this research and creating such a great book. They did a top notch job here. To whoever wins this, it's a great treasure in the kitchen, illuminating so much about cooking and nutrition that I had never realized. I may be a novice but, I really do think that even an expert hand in the kitchen would find this book worthwhile. I really want my own now that I have been sneaking peeks into the reader copy!

To enter for a chance to win the giveaway, you have to "like" my page on Facebook if you haven't already (click here or on the icon in the sidebar) and leave a comment on the page about either your interest in the science of food or your personal need for more nutritional balance! Or (which seems to be the preference) you can write me at with your information! Make sure to leave your full name (if it's not on your facebook account/email) and submit by 12 PM EST TODAY!!! In slightly less than 4 hours the giveaway closes!!!  I will then reveal the winner tonight in my birthday post! Then we can iron out the minor details like where you'd like me to ship you Joy's book.

  Best of luck to all of my readers! AGAIN, if you don't have FB or you have questions regarding the contest, write me an e-mail at and I can enter you that way or answer whatever I've neglected to explain. 

3 and a half hours left! Here goes!

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