
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Avocado & Tomato Pasta... Hello there, Summer!

Yum. There is just something about avocado that makes everything better. 

This is one of those recipes that doesn't even count as a recipe. I took whole wheat pasta, sliced up a carton of grape tomatoes (over the bowl so I kept the tomatoey juices), and an avocado. Drizzled with a TINY bit of olive oil, dashed with some salt and pepper and, ta da.

Yummy clean eating. 

I am going to California for the week so, I'll be off the grid/no posting (again). 

Also, thanks to all of you who were supportive when I was sick last week. I got better just in time to go to Cali but, I am not allowed any alcoholic drinking due to the antibiotics I am on for the throat. I scratched it apparently which caused an infection which caused the death cold which required crazy powerful drugs that I am still on for the moment. 

Always an adventure, right?

Happy April! Talk to you guys in May! :)


  1. Easy is usually the best! I have been eating avocados like they are going out of style the past few weeks. I became seriously addicted when I went to South America this past February. Avocados were in season so they were in everything and I'm glad they have been going on sale up here now.

  2. Oh man! I used to make this like almost every weekend and I totally forgot about it. So yummy. I love avocado. Thanks for reminding me!
