
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Engaged! Bam.

This is the best and most expensive cupcake to have ever come from my kitchen.
Just look at that topper! So sparkly! 

It's the prettiest engagement ring I have ever seen. In the history of ever.
Sorry to all of those other rings I have "ooo" and "ahh"'d over and am now saying weren't as pretty as this. It's possible the reason is because I have a personal bias to this ring.
Why the bias? Oh yeah, BECAUSE IT'S MINE!

Cue me saying "EEEEE!" for 15 seconds straight.
The boyfriend is now the fiance and we are riding the whirlwind adventure of planning a wedding with our families and friends. The lovely ring and cupcake topper you are seeing is a slightly over 1 carat  white sapphire ring in white gold. The fiance and I both happen to have a slight diamond prejudice- therefore a white sapphire suits us absolutely perfectly. Plus, SO SPARKLY! Cannot get over it.


He proposed on our anniversary, filling the first floor of our house with candles and flowers. When I came down the stairs to all the lights and sparkling and flowers, I immediately started to cry and squeaked out "NOW?!"

He then launched into a truly lovely speech about the impact I've made on his life, how I'm the only one for him, etc. etc. While I was rapidly starting to cry MORE, our dog decided he wasn't getting enough attention and started to bark.

Both of us started cracking up. Esquire continued his flowery speech and turned on the TV and written on the main Zelda screen was "Marry Me".
That's right. My man is both romantic as hell and a complete geek. He also is extremely thoughtful- since we live pretty daggum far away from both sets of parents (closest set is 8 hours, next is 14 hours), he had them write me/us letters saying how supportive they are of us and how excited they are for us that we could open just after I said yes.

I know. He's perfect. I am truly blessed to have found someone who is my perfect match in every way.

I still can't believe we are engaged. It's amazing. I am amazed.
I mean....the ring looks pretty OK on my hand instead of a cupcake. Definitely can live with it there forever.

Although I keep getting utterly distracted by the magnificent sparkles on/reflecting off my hand. It's been less than a week though so I think I am allowed.

Anyway, this news is a large reason you guys have been hearing radio silence here. The November/December months for Esquire and I have been filled with a lot of family gatherings, ring sizings, and discussions. Not to mention those holidays that happen in those months, a Vegas New Years Eve for my female friends and I, and then a very new and exciting role for me in the company I work for... There's been more than usual. And more for me than usual is (as those of you who routinely read know) quite a bit happening.

Also, while he and I had been talking about it and planning the idea of it and preparing our families for it... no, I did not know he was proposing when he did. At all. He got the ring from this AMAZING etsy seller I am in love with and he had me convinced the dream ring (this ring) was sold to someone else and that the owner had to make him a new one to propose with.

When I went to the ring's page (which I had been stalking and mooning over) and saw it had been sold, I was devastated and TOTALLY bought it. Turns out he was the buyer! On Christmas Eve no less. 

I clearly need to give the man more credit. 

Anyway! I plan to have more posts for you guys soon. I made a pretty epic engagement party cake and then there are all those fricken, never ending, why Did I ever come up with this idea letters to finish out and some more recipes I need to upload. So you'll be hearing from me soon I hope! 

And oh yeah, about our dog? He eventually stopped barking and came around and gave us endless kisses as we cried and hugged.

He's a devil but he's a cute lil devil. Love to you all! Happy 2013!


  1. Beautiful ring! Congratulations!

    1. THANK YOU! I know I should have stopped at like... one photo but, I am in the obsession phase of things. While "The Mothers" are planning the wedding, I am still all about the sparkle and awe of how much I love him :)

      Thanks for putting up with all the pics, ha

  2. Congrats!!! The ring is so original and beautiful.

    1. THANKS, GIRL! I agree, total love with the man who gave it to me and the glitz itself! I hope you are doing amazing- I miss our "Draw Something" dayz. Having a smart phone again soon is the plan. "Clutzy" is no joke, I seem to go through nice technology like tissues...

  3. THANK YOU! As I said above, I totally over did it on the photos but... I cannot help it. I am over the moon with joy that he and I are taking this step and in lieu of posting all kinds of pics of US, I went with the bling. Ha, thank you for the comment love! You're the best :)

  4. Meaghan! Congratulations !! Brilliant news, and beautiful ring, and you do sound perfectly matched! I especially love the letters... since I have this weakness for handwritten notes. I'm so glad you're doing so well.

    Etsy would be my choice for now, too! Some perfect things x x

  5. Aw, how great for you! The ring is beautiful!

  6. Beautiful! Lovely story, too. Congratulations.

  7. Congrats Meaghan! Happy you are so happy. I have wondered about you for a while. Kristy from Canada :)
