
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fruity Lemon Bars

Fruity Pebbles- "Human Hand" Bars

This is probably my favorite youtube reference and, pretty much no one got it. Once they saw the youtube video, they thought it was hilarious. But! At first, no one at the party got the quotes "Well, I was hungry! And you know, when you crave hands..." or "My stomach was making the rumblies... that only human hands could satisfy!"

Hopefully, some of you have seen Llamas with Hats. Either way, you'll like these lemon cake cookies with glaze and fruity pebble crunch. I used my carrot cake cookie recipe, (please ignore the super blurred/dark pics if you check it out! that was my point and shoot and in my dark, scary, college apartment), adapted with a lemon poppy seed mix and a glaze I made with a simple mix of confectioners sugar, water, and lemon. I also made mine into a big cookie that i cut into hands/bars but, I recommend making them as individual cookies. I think they simply hold up better that way, although no one complained at our super bowl shin dig! Anyway. Make and enjoy :)

Rumbley Satisfying Hand Cookies
-1 Lemon/Lemon Poppy Cake Mix
-1 Egg
-1/2 Cup Oil
-2 cups crushed Fruity Pebble Cereal

Mix all ingredients, (excluding the icing can/cereal). Roll dough into spoonful sized balls, bake on cookie sheet at 350 for 8 to 10 minutes. Let cool completely, and ice with glaze. Dip into fruity crushed pieces. Tada! 

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