
Monday, May 16, 2011

The Ultimate Star Wars Feast

A long time ago, in a kitchen far far away... I made a ridiculous amount of geek food for a friend's birthday dinner.

When I had asked him what he'd like for dinner, telling him I'd make him anything, he had said he trusted me to make an amazing meal and he just had one request. Could it be Star Wars themed?

My roommate (his girlfriend) and I both stared for a second before smiling like fools. This was suddenly a present for ME! I am pretty sure my answer was "I guess I could deal with that" and inside I was doing excited cooking cartwheels.

Not surprisingly, I then got carried away. The facebook event was sent out to our friends, ("When 900 years you reach, cook this good you will not"), the grocery list got astounding, and I piped more geeky icing in one sitting than ever before.

I'll explain each piece on their own individual page. I tried to get this up and posted by May Fourth (For May the Fourth be with you) and then again for Revenge of the 5th but, it was too many photos to edit and recipes to upload. However, you'll find the entire menu below. May the force be with you.

Blue Milk Cocktail
Yoda Swamp Soda
Death Star Ritz Crackers
Sarlacc Pizza Dip
Tauntaun Guts
Battlefield Squash Lasagna 
Boba Feta Salad


  1. OMG!!! This is unbelievable - I love it!!! I can't believe you made all that, it must have taken DAYS, lol! Awesome job, you're very talented! The frog guts look.....interesting. :o)

  2. Wow. I am in love with this whole meal. The Princess Lei cupcakes are the best.

  3. Meaghan I have to share this post on my Facebook! Soo cool! And you did so much work!

    Love it all!


  4. Wow, what a labor of love! You must have had so much fun!

  5. This all looks so amazing! Ewok cupcakes are my fave :)

  6. That is freaking AWESOME. I can't believe you didn't invite me.

  7. That is fantastic!! Can you do all that for me for my birthday??? :)

  8. Fabulous job....I love everything you created for this.

  9. I know I'm just repeating things you've already been told, Meaghan, but hopefully you won't mind one more person saying these are amazing! I don't remember ever seeing anything like these anywhere.


  10. That's a lot of food! I have a friend who would love this theme!!

  11. How clever! I can't imagine how much time it took you to develop all of these ideas much less instigate them. Very nice!

  12. I am amazed at how many great things you made! I just can't stop looking at all your photos and being totally amazed. So many different dishes and so wonderfully looking! I love this! The photos with those tiny figures of Yoda and other Star Wars characters are so adorable :)

  13. This is too awesome. Seriously, I have friends who would have a heart attack of joy if someone did this for them. I think my favorite is the tauntaun guts, so creative and funny! And I bet it tastes great too, mmmm spaghetti!!

  14. You are so creative!! I love theme parties, regardless of the theme. It's always fun to create recipes with that inspiration. The Tauntaun guts is my favorite! So funny :)

  15. Did anyone actually eat the Tauntaun Guts? Nice job, everything looks amazing.

  16. i think i just had a nerdgasm all up in my pants. meaghan, please tell you are single! :D

  17. My kids would love this! i'll have to show them this post in the morning. Will you come cater my next party?? How fun!

  18. I love all your Star Wars food! How fun. My kids would love these!!!

  19. Wow this is just insanely awesome!!! A friend gave us these 2 Star Wars cookbook (the perfect gift combining my love of cooking and my husband's love of Star Wars). I've said we should have a Star Wars feast with recipes from the books but haven't made anything yet. This is inspiring me too!

  20. My son is a HUGE Star Wars buff. I will show him this. He will be so envious and I can see he will want me to make these!
    Thanks for sharing.
