
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cake Batter Pancakes

Seriously. You think I'd learn.

Blogger = Evil. Do not plan to schedule posts. Check and make sure all posts are up and running. Don't count on things to just work as they should. And yet. This was supposed to be up last night at 12:01. And it clearly was/is not. I miss the days when my blog was all organized, all the posts lining up on Mondays at midnight. Or at least on Mondays. Maybe I'll try posting Sunday's at 12:01 again, that way it's actually updated on Mondays and all.... Anyway, I'll figure that out. I bet you just want to know what that delicious picture is portraying. Let's talk pancakes.

So. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pancakes got me in a griddle place.
And then I was grocery shopping. And I found these.

I mean, seriously! We make cupcake CEREAL now!? So proud, America. So very very proud. It was clearly a sign. Cupcakes for brinner (which is, for those who don't know, breakfast + dinner). Which brings us back to this recipe.

Just so fun. On every level. Even the batter is fun. Look at all these sprinkles! How awesome is that??

Prettiest batter ever. Probably. I made two kinds of topping for these cake-flavored pancake gems. One was chocolate ganache with almond extract. The other was vanilla ganache with raspberry extract. 

Both were AMAZING. Gosh, these pancakes were like a dessert. But a dessert that's allowed all the time! They were really rich though, probably shouldn't eat more than 3 or you may get sick. (Like I definitely did. Carrots and water for the rest of the day to kick the sugar out of my system.)

Cake Batter Pancakes

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2/3 cup yellow cake mix
1 tablespoon sugar
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-2 cups milk 
assorted sprinkles- LOTS!!!
Combine flour, cake mix, baking powder, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix. Add 1 cup of milk, egg and vanilla extract and stir until smooth and proper pancake density. This will vary greatly on the brand of cake mix you use. Start with 1 cup of milk and add more if needed. You don't want runny pancakes that spill everywhere and are too thin, nor do you want thick, paste like ones. Find a balance for pancake nirvana. 
Heat your skillet or griddle. I used an electric griddle at 350 degrees but, I'm a pancake professional (that's such a lie, I burnt myself 5 times. Be careful if you decide to use a hot skillet like idiot me). Fold desired amount of sprinkles into batter. Pour batter in 1/4 cup measurements onto skillet and let cook until bubbles form on top, about 2-3 minutes. Flip and cook for 1 minute more.
Serve with frosting or glaze or what have you. Syrup'd or plain or iced- these babies are divine.
Make and enjoy :)



  1. Made of win! I want them and all their colorful, sprinkly glory.

  2. Oh my goodness those looks amazing!!!

  3. Che idea carina!!!
    Un bacio

  4. Wow - those look sinful. I mean sinfully good that is.

  5. i made some the other day too, they were very sweet...

  6. Meaghan, your pancakes look wonderful! So festive. I'm sure anyone would love to have those for breakfast especially on their birthday. I'd like to invite you to share your recipe on A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  7. It shouldn't surprise you to hear that I absolutely love that cereal! This is a crazily inspired way to use it. I've gotta bookmark this one. Yum!

  8. Wow, these are really pretty! I think I like the one with the vanilla glaze better :) This would be a really fun idea for a birthday! So festive and colorful!

  9. I love cake batter pancakes but, uh, HECK YES, throw those "sprinkles" on there too. My kids would be all over these. Plus they're soooo cute.

  10. Hello! You have a pretty awesome blog here too:) These pancakes look delish~ I must try some!


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