
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pancakes

Ha, so. Blogger Officially hates me. This was *supposed* to upload automatically last night. When I went to check this morning how the blog looked, turns out this lil post here was still chilling in "scheduled". Despite it being extremely overdue. Ah, well. Fixing glitch #112 now! Back to our regularly scheduled program:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! In pancake form!

It'll be all you can do to keep Shredder away from these adorable geek creations. The shelled gang is all here! We have:




 I didn't make their sensei, Splinter, but, if any of you guys are up to the challenge, please send me the link! I'd love to check out a well executed trend of anthromorphic pancakes :)

These came from an idea that came from an idea that came from spending too much time amazed by the site Jim's Pancakes. If you haven't seen his website before, you should check it out. The man is a griddle master, making pancake masterpieces for his daughter and family.

There are several tricks to this, none too complicated. Use food dye to differentiate the colors of the batter and put them into squeeze bottle to create precise lines. A griddle turned to low will be your best friend in this situation as you'll want to add things in both an artistic and consistent manner before the cooking really starts up.

I had some fun and made tie-dye chocolate chip pancake leftovers when I was done with the turtles...


Overall, this experience was an EXTREMELY fun one! AND it was easy to the most clutzy degree! Thanks to Jim's Pancakes for the inspiration and tricks of the griddle trade! I see even more eccentric pancakes in my future...


  1. Awww I love Jim's Pancakes! And these look great! Good job on them! And I love how you used the leftovers for a tie dyed one!

  2. I think those pancakes are perfect. My daughter would love that. And chocolate chips are completely necessary in pancakes.

  3. My blog did the same thing! I had a post scheduled to post at 12am but no by 8am it still wasn't posted...

    I love your pancakes!

  4. Meaghan, I've never seen anything like this. This is great! Thanks for a great post.


  5. How adorable! I lack the patience to carefully craft masterpieces like this so I'll just admire yours.

  6. Adorable! I found this through your comment on the Jim's Pankcakes facebook! You should get a link to pin it on pinterest!
